Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Traffic Trauma’ #1

We have done enough brain storming for what can and should be done to improve the state of traffic affairs in the Pune city. Am sure that with even a small group of 250+ (that’s the size of the Save Pune Traffic Movement group members as of Jun 06) if even 1/10th of their idea’s see it thru' then Pune will regain its lost charm... But only if.

I think what we are missing is actual efforts, physical efforts. Writing emails and articles et al might work in other nations where people have some sense of commitment towards their country's well being. We Indian's have proved that we are selfish and self-centred. Also, we are very timid, if someone whack’s a whip at us, we bloody well obey. But unfortunately today, those whip crackers, Police, have started ignoring their duties, or taken to bribery, resulting in an increasing chaos and growing indiscipline among the once a proud citizens. I do not want to take away the entire credit, as I know that with no help from the planning commission of the city and a minimal help from the Police force, the policemen currently on their duties have a steep uphill task. All I want to say is that the Police authorities themselves have slackened.

So what we need to do is to select a particular traffic signal for the day and take ourselves to task.

1) Publicise who we are.

These days what you do is less important, how you do and how well you publicize is given more importance. And if done correctly, you can walk free even after committing a crime. At the same time, even if you have saintly intentions for a noble cause, if you do not do the necessary public stunt or gimmick, no one is going to even bother to give you a second glance.

Maybe we can block roads, break shops and vehicles, or hiring some cheer girls who are scantily clad, or invite some “famous” celebrity, like Rakhi Sawant for example!

Just kidding…

Ok, since we are all educated and have noble intentions, we would look upon these stunts as mere cheap stunts. But these cheap gimmicks work wonders! Anyways…

Bottom line, we need to publicise our sincere efforts and ourselves.

2) Educate the people

Then try to convince people who are violating to adhere to basic etiquettes. Like "please stop at red signals"; "kindly stay within your lane and do not try to hurry into the wrong lane while waiting at the traffic signals" (This is one major area, where people have justified that cluttering in the wrong lane will speed the traffic flow!)

And surprisingly it’s not just the uneducated or the non-local’s that are involved in day to day breach of simple rules. Majority of office goers, educated women, college kids, even the elderly, all are unified in messing up the traffic situation. Why just blame the authorities.

3) Book the offenders

If we have any contacts in the media, then we ask those guys to come with their cameras and click us in action. If not, then one of us with a digital camera should take the snap's of the people breaking the law despite our telling.

4) Request Authorities to charge the offenders

We take their no's and along with the proof (snaps) submit to DCP's office asking to take actions. We can even take permission if required to host these snaps on our websites.

I would even like to go one step further. Beat n bash them up who will refuse to obey. Coz my experience is that the people of Pune now openly curse n makes derogatory remarks at people who follow or want to make others follow traffic rules. As the Marathi saying goes 'chhadi lage chemm chemm, vidya yayee ghumm ghumm' So, I am all for public bashing up of those arrogant violators.

I know this thought sounds like a 'typical rebel', and thus in all likelihood we should try and not use it. Just venting out my anger n frustration… :) The point that is underlined here, is that the traffic problem of the Pune city is so severe, its seems that only some drastic measures can possibly restore normalcy.


Anonymous said...

"As the Marathi saying goes 'chaddi lage chemm chemm .."

.. u mean chhadi .. jeje

1diot said...

Correctly pointed out! Its chhadi

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