Saturday, November 03, 2007

Sonia, daughter-in-law of Sonia Gandhi...opps!

Our politicians are so habituated as* licker's that such blunders shouldn't surprise us. I have seeing people who keep chanting "Om Namah Shivay" incessantly for their love of God. But I dismiss them as God fearing believers. That's ok...

But, in the recent decade the increasing hymns' in the name of Sonia Gandhi is causing concern, distress and a heck of an irritation! I understand she was a beautiful attractive Italian under-grad who cast her spell over Mr Rajiv the great Gandhi who wed her thus bringing a foreigner bahu in India's first family. Yes we were all thrilled! (why were we thrilled? Maybe because we felt too elated that 'our' Indian lad, then the would be Prime Minister of India, managed to woo a white lady - I guess we were just too in confident then, and maybe are even today!) Yes I love the Italian pizza' and cappuccino's and the Italian dressing! But that's it, I'll eat it, drink it, wear it and forget it! I do not love them to an extent of becoming their worshiper.

Recently, at a function organized by Jharkhand Pradesh Congress, Jharkhand's CM Madhu Koda payed 'homage' to Sonia Gandhi at her death anniversary! He went on to describe Sonia Gandhi as the person who led India reach heights in its peace and development. He continued that Sonia took bullets in her chest!

He apparently apologized later on when it was pointed out that he was saying Sonia repeatedly when he should have been saying Indira! Was this mere slip of tongue? Or Absent mindedness? Or is this result of historic ass licking mentality of congressmen!

[Side Note - Nehru spearheaded this practice! He proved to the world favoritism can work wonders, topple majority and win Presidency (in India it is Prime Minister') Now why was Nehru Mahatma Gandhi's favorite is not known. While the majority opted for Vallab Bhai Patel, Gandhi vetoed in favor of Nehru! But that's a separate story in a separate chapter]

We should not be surprised if we hear a divorce being filed for our fellow congressman when he uttered 'Sonia' instead of his wife's name at a wrong time.

For the record - It was Indira Gandhi who was a strong leader and first woman Prime Minister of India, who took bullets in her chest fired by her own guards! Hats off to the lady!

Bandhavgarh Forest

Bandhavgarh Forest